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American English version\_ENU.apk
Traditional Chinese version\_CHT.apk
Update files, version 1.6.5, download the same position.
發佈更新檔,版本 1.6.5,載點位置相同
Fixed a bug that was more difficult to detect.
1. 修正雙版本崔西第一種性愛模式第二結局未說完話按下 End 卡住 BUG
2. 修正中文版崔西第二種性愛模式第四幕角色陰影無法顯示 BUG
3. 美化雙版本崔西第二種性愛模式第四幕,擦掉原作中崔西嘴邊多餘陰影
4. 修正中文版獎勵彩蛋模式『樹屋冒險』卡住 BUG
If you have an old version, please re-download and install.
This is the port and unofficial continuation of Pokehidden wonderful game Banned from equestria daily 1.5
P.s. Mainland China region uses Simplified Chinese, where as Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao region use Traditional Chinese.
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