So I finally got around to finishing my CMC’s School Aged ponies Next Generation. So Tada here they are in all their glory. I even added some non pony characters to the mix.
So of course you all know Blue Mist, Sweetberry and Cameo not much has changed with them. I did a slight redesign of Cameo and made him closer resemble dad cause he is small like Pipsqueak.
I completely redesigned Diamond Tiara child because I change his parentage from Snips to Featherweight. I just love my SnipsBelle daughter she is so adorable and the colors come together so nicely. His name is Omni-Star because he is the star of his mothers eye and he is just like his father outgoing and funny. He reacts to things the upset him or make him nervous by being funny and the class clown, he is a pony that will not give up on anything he sets his mind too. Since the monumental episode where Diamond Tiara reinvents herself and begins to be a better pony and nicer I’ve since rethought about how I see her. I thought Featherweight would be a nice touch with her.
Silver Spoon still ends up with Snails cause I think they’d make a cute couple, plus Silver needs a geeky pony to keep her down to earth. Their daughter takes after her father with the height and she is also clumsy just like her daddy. She still hasn’t gotten used to her large stature and thus always gets into trouble. I just really wanted the body types of Featherweight, Snips, Snails and Pipsqueak so I created children that looked like their fathers more then their mothers.
Then to round it all out I added Twist cause she is an adorable girl and I really wanted a Snips body type so I chose Truffle Shuffle to be her mate/hubby. Their son is the small round little one of the group and thus he rounds out the body types I wanted to have in my next generations. His full name is Harley Quinn and I’d love it if someone would get the reference and color scheme I used for him. I’m debating whether or not to put glasses on him like his mother wore.
Yes they are all Cutie Mark Crusaders as none of them have their cutie marks and together they form a team much like the original CMC’s to find their true talents.
To round off the whole Next Generations and to have some non-pony characters I added Gilda’s son and a Manticore cub. I like to entertain the idea the Gilda eventually moves to ponyville to be closer to Rainbow Dash and there she meets and falls in love with Gustave. She mainly falls in love with his sweet treats and thus a love blossoms. Who says the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach has never met Gilda as she is a chow hound especially when it comes to sweet treats.
Then I found this adorable Manticore OC’s Manticore OC (Ponysona) Squiggles Updated by Catnip1996 and had to make my own. Just look at that cute little pink Maticore, this makes them seem so adorable and cute. Mine is a cute little albino, she is also made with my Lion King oc in mind, they even share the same name Tallulah. I want to give a shout of to my Lion King Oc Tallulah and I even put the little spots on her that I added to Tallulah. Yes she is small for a Manticore and she has a disability where she was born without wings and thus lead some to believe her mother might have been a pony or a flightless creature. No one know who her parents are because she was found one day weak, injured and hungry on the outskirts of Ponyville and at first they think she might have been abandoned by her Manticore parents for being an albino and having on wings. She later tells the ponies that her parents have left her to go to heaven.
So what do you think of my Next Generation OC’s and my first Manticore Oc. I think little Tallulah is going to be adopted by Fluttershy and she makes friends with Renegade cause they are both abnormal and are feared by the residents of Ponyville.