After several hours of travel, Copper Stars and her companion Parchment Paper find a small clearing to make camp. Setting their belongings down next to a tree stump, Parchment makes a small fire. It quickly builds into a warm and subtle roar, the wood crackling as it burns.
Both of them fetch food from their saddle bags, while simultaneously pulling out various cooking implements. As their meals cook, they put down small bed rolls, positioning them near the fire to provide warmth.
After eating, Copper Stars lays down on her side, letting out a deep sigh and relaxing for a moment. After a day of killing raiders for contracts, she is happy to rest. While idly flipping through her Pip-Buck, she catches the flicker of a new radio station on her screen. Clicking it, she turns the volume up. A catchy pre-war tune starts to crackle through her Pip-Buck speaker.
The screen displays the name at the top of the list of radio stations.
"DJ Pon-3 - Wasteland Radio and News"
Copper Stars had never traveled far enough South to hear DJ Pon-3. Working as a Steel Ranger Squire, her missions up north always had her too far out of reach to pick up the radio signals. But now, she could listen freely, and without recourse.
"-on't want to set the world - on - fire. I - just want to start - a flame in your heart."
The lyrics were pleasant to listen to, and made Copper smile. The radio idly chirping away songs as Parchment Paper finished cleaning the campsite of their food and litter.
"Know any of these songs?" He asked Copper.
She nodded, "Few of 'em. The Rangers'd put some of 'em on repeat in the barracks; but a lot of these are new to me."
Finishing her thought, a song came on that she recognized. She started to hum along to it, tapping one of her armor clad hooves to the beat.
"Well," Parchment started; "If you know this one, sing along."
Copper, grinning at the thought of singing for somepony else, sat up straighter and belted out the lyrics of one of the few songs she actually knew.
"Oh I got Spurs- that jingle jangle jingle!"
Hey guys! This piece was made on Magma.com, its an online collaborative art sorta thing.
I mostly use it to draw with friends, but this time I used it for an actual piece!
I hope you like the art and the little story I came up with!
- KangaTooth<3