So, I decided to make a meme about the movies made by Stanley Kubrick being portrayed by My Little Pony using just unedited screencaps, otherwise it would be trivial with the amount of fanarts that exist.
I was inspired by this one made with Spongebob screencaps.
Explanation of the meme in case somepony is doubtful of the meaning or hasn't watched all of the Kubrick's movies yet (specially the fisrt two that are even abscent in the SB version).
>>1804379 Fear and Desire (1953): The movie is about a group of soldiers who built a raft to go down on a river.
(My own screencap, I'll upload it later) Killer's Kiss (1955): The climax is a fight in a room full of mannequins.
>>1149705 The Killing (1956): In the end one of the robbers disguises as a clown.
>>517419 Paths of Glory (1957): Set during WWI in the trenchs.
>>986341 Spartacus (1960): Is about the Third Servil War, during the Roman Republic (maybe Twi's costume is greek, I think looks close enough anyways).
>>1129687 Lolita (1962): Applebloom lifting her own skirt can be weird without context, and I think you already know what the movie is about.
>>552883 (cropped) Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worryng and Love the Bomb (1964): Nuclear bomb, nuff said.
>>1272954 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968): Astronauts.
>>208345 A Clockwork Orange (1971): Looks a bit like the thing Alex uses un his eye (althougt it's actually his right eye).
>>1937071 Barry Lyndon (1975): If you watch this movie with a cinema nerd (like me), he/she will tell you that they used camera lenses made by the NASA to shot interior scenes with no more light that actual candles, making them a sort of well-known fact.
>>1268190 The Shinig (1980): The mayority of you probably have seen this movie more times than I did (once) so you know more about it than me.
>>1031546 Full Metal Jacket (1987): Twilight's helmet look a lot like the one for the cover, there's even an edit in >>16196.
>>3138407 Eyes Wide Shut (1999): Masked ball.
The source has a typo, I corrected it for derpibooru at least.