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Some friends were discussing their headcanons for Luster Dawn the other day and I realized she fit into a pre-existing OTP of mine...so I present Illustria Dawn Sentry, or as most ponies know her, Luster Dawn.
Flash is a huge himbo imo since he doesn't have much of a personality I went with my favorite fan interpretation of his personality
At first Sunburst and Flash were 2 best friends (once Sunburst moved to the Crystal Empire) who were stupidly unaware of the crushes they had on eachother, well Sunburst knew he was just too shy to do anything about it and Flash was the oblivious one.
Sassy stayed in the empire for extended stays for boutique business and Sunburst met her because he was buying new cloaks lmao and ofc his best friend would accompany him sometimes.
They both developed crushes on Sassy but they didn't see each other as competition, they genuinely encouraged eachother because Sassy was a grown mare who would choose whoever she chose and the other would have to respect that. She was very receptive and developed feelings for them both in return.
At one point Sassy kind of called them out on their efforts in a flirtatious way and Flash bluntly but politely asked her who she chose and she was like "?!?! You are obviously in love with eachother so both"
And then eventually Luster happens LMAO none of them know which of the stallions is her bio dad but it doesn't matter to them Luster sees them all equally as her parents
In one of the mlp books theres a magic school in Monacolt run by a fillyhood friend of Celestia Duchess Diamond Waves, in part because I wanted more of an explanation of why Spike didn't really seem to know who Luster was in the finale beside his own job, Luster gets sent to and accepted to this school-not that they would ever tell Twilight this but-Lusters parents, mostly Sassy and Sunburst, wanted her to have a magic education that was more well rounded and not just surrounding friendship
She gets moved back eventually when Luster shows that well, shes not making any friends, but it doesnt happen over the course of a song like in the finale she's been going to Twilights school for years before the version of her we see just like the other students