pink little baby son boy!!! guess who he is based on ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Cupid Arrow
(he/him, trans boy, heterosexual)
-youngest son of empress Cadence and emperor consort Shining Armor. Whoopsie baby lol.
-he has the same magical-medical disability as Scootaloo, and is unable to properly fly. He has no magic conducting feathers and his small wings aren't nearly strong enough to fly on their own. He is functionally grounded, but this doesn't bother him much since the Crystal Empire is mostly populated by earth ponies.
-His special talent is archery, and he loves to play games like Robbin Hoof with his schoolmates.
-If Valkyrie Shield is a Daddy's girl, Cupid is a Mama's boy. He is Cadence's little prince, and they spend a lot of time together.
-Cupid does not have many responsibilities as the youngest child of an immortal monarch, so he will grow up to be a simple man who spends his days fiddling with his bow and walking about the city he was raised in.