Originally posted on: March 23, 2021, 8:05 AM UTC
*MLp CaramelVerse: Ng concepts*
My brain: “so, how many Applejack nextgen kids do i need?”
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All jokes aside, here are some nextgen character concepts for Aj’s family! I will eventually make separate refs for them… eventually…First kiddo: Summer Harvest!
-Cis bi mare
-Bio parents: Aj x Autumn Blaze
-Talent: Singing
-Partner(s): Currently none
-Age: Young adult
-Lives with her family in Sweet Apple Acres. A total cinnamon bun, absolutely loves nature and wildlife, practically lives outside on the farm. Has claustrophobia; too small of a space will freak her out, so she prefers to be inside as little as possible. Because of this her mane and coat ate often messy; covered in dirt or full of bits of leaves from running around forests.
-Has a wonderful voice, loved singing since forever. Her moms joke that she learned to sing before she even said her first word. Strangely, she seems to be able to talk to animals like Fluttershy, although she can’t really understand what they say, she can often be found with a couple birds or squirrels around her. Fluttershy thinks it’s because of her momma Autumn Blaze’s nature magic.
-Adores her family, they mean a ton to her. She tends to hang out the most with her big brother Wheat Beer, since he works in the farm. She misses her (slightly) older sister Winter since she lives in Canterlot, but sends her letters daily.
<del>Her best friend is Starglow! They’re cousins, love to hang out together since they’re so alike. Every time Celestia or Luna visit each other they spend all their time absolutely glued to the hip. (I actually wanted Starglow to be Summer’s girlfriend originally but then I realized they’re technically cousins… yikes ;</del>; )Second child: Winter Equinox
-Cis pan mare
-Bio parents: Trixie x Autumn Blaze
-Talent: Modeling
-Partner(s): Currently none (although she’d dated many ponies before)
-Age: young adult
-Works as a fashion model. Been a model since she was a teen, and spends almost all her time in Canterlot away from her home so she’s quit disconnected from her family, who miss her dearly(especially her sister Summer Harvest).
<del>A giant airhead, constantly daydreaming about everything, loves the attention and fame from being a model. She takes after Rarity a ton</del> loves going to the spa and shopping, and cares a whole lot how she looks. She will not go outside unprepared, how dare you, she’s a lady after all (unfortunately for her agent, Photo Finish, it takes her almost two hours to prepare ever day).
-If there’s a topic that she gets really exited over she’ll just babble on about it and will not shut up or listen to what others are trying to say. She has a big mouth and talks too much; not the greatest at keeping secrets for long (or at all)
-She adores fancy clothes and any type of jewelry, she will dress in her pretties clothes for any event, no matter how small. Hates getting dirty; if she finds one speck of dirt on her dress she will be extremely upset.
-Because of her seemingly soft personality some may think she’s innocent/vulnerable, but while she’s aware that’s what ponies think she will still get offended if you point that out. If she were in any real danger however, she does know how to kick butt, so don’t assume she’s some damsel in distress. She’s stronger than she seems.
-Other random info: Has a fear of hights: she’ll get nauseous in high places and straight up pass out of it’s too scary. Loves reading Summer’s letters to her and keeps them all in her bedroom.
-(yes she may be like a Rarity 2.0 but i love her so shush)The third kid: Wheat Beer!
-Currently writing his bio! Will update later