With Sandbar, the greatest ally: >>1948632
With Silverstream, together as chickens: >>1955763
Basis of central emblem: Gauvajut marriage flag
I honestly think that Gallus and Gabby are fit for each other, mainly because they are young and they are gryphons. I think it is better that they should be King and Queen of Griffonstone!
The Gauvajut text at the bottom reads: “A-s-ma-i-gi-n-wa e-r-ze-n-ni ā-le-s” [asˈmaɪ̯ginwʌ ɛrˈt͡sɛnːi ˈaːlɛs], which means “Pure love conquers all”, a line spoken by the husband and the wife at the end of a traditional Gauvajut wedding.