Hi! My name’s Barbara, and I am Dusk Shine’s number one assistant! I am a big sucker for Elusive, but I think I should give him personal space. Unless if it’s okay for me to decide, I’d go out with Spike and spend quality time with him; I would go out to the drive-in movies with him or play Ogres and Oubliettes with Discord. Hope Discord isn’t causing chaos in this part of the game! If I see Spike run off and coo at some mare, I’d put him to torment! But before I met Dusk Shine, I was created by the Genderbend Alchemist Dr. Trotsworth, along with the rest of the other ponies. Where could he be, by the way? The ponies from each other dimension said that he went missing; others say that he went on a mission to discover what was going on in the magical land of Equestria. It could be the prototype Horseshoe Mirror.
Vector and story by me
Barb and Bro-Hams of Awesome-ness! belong to Trotsworth
MLP: FiM belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust