An Emerald that’s somewhat older has met a mare named Sundance. Both are more alike than they think.
(A fragment of a crossover fic I once found. Originally posted in the comment section of >>1048622 I decided to give this story fragment a more proper home here.)
>Sundance sat at the train-station waiting for her ride. She nudges her muzzle beneath her foreleg and grabs a small flask with her teeth. She pops off the top and begins taking a small drink as the taste of sweet brandy graces her tongue.
>It was late into the night a perfect time for a large mare to travel without being noticed. She needed to collect her thoughts before going to work, and the ogling gaze of curious ponies wasn’t going to help.
>In the darkness she hears the clopping of tiny hooves on the wood of the platform. A small hooded figure emerges into the light. The small light green pony shivers a bit in the night air and begins to stand around,looking around nervously as if he’s waiting for somebody.
>Sundance tries to ignore him for a while as she takes another swig and stuffs the flak back into it’s place, but the racket he makes as he paces around the platform.
>Finally Sundance can’t take it any longer. “Hey kid! You’re going to catch a cold standing around like that.“
>The Small pony stops and stares at the big mare. “Y-yeah, you’re p-probably right.“
>The little colt walks over to the same bench as Sundance and plops down beside her. “Thank you ms.“
>“Don’t mention it.”
>The two sit in silence for a while waiting for the train until it finally arrives and the two board.Sundance and Emerald both sit alone in separate booths, and the train begins it’s journey. A few miles down the tracks Emerald gets out of his seat and walks over to Sundance. “Excuse me, I don’t want to bother you but, I heard that these trips go by faster if you have someone to talk to… So I was wondering if I could talk to you?“
>The big mare thinks about it for a while, she really doesn’t want to talk to anypony right now but if she turns him down, he’s likely going to find a way to be even more irritating. She sights, “Fine, park it here kid“
>Emerald takes the seat opposite of Sundance and gives her a small smile. The two lock eyes for a while before Sundance speaks up, “So what did you want to talk about?“
>“I um, I’m really not sure, Where are you from? I guess.“
>“I’ve moved around a lot I don’t really consider any particular place a home so, yeah. Sorry kid.“
>The little colt looks out the window, “Yeah, I actually know what you mean. I’ve been doing a lot of traveling lately myself.“
>Sundance wasn’t really ready for that, this little cold looked pretty soft. In her experience most ponies that looked as clean as this one had little experience with this world. “Any particular reason why you’re traveling around?“
>“I don’t know, I really don’t have a home to go back to, so I keep going foreword. It’s almost like I’m looking for something to look for I guess. Do you know what I mean?”
>Sundance looks out the window at the reflection of Emerald’s face, “Yeah, I guess I do know what you mean.” The train bumps along for a bit before, Sundance speaks up, “So, where are you going right now?“
>Emerald turns back to Sundance, “I’m not really sure, I was just going to ride until I a stop I liked.
>“That sounds like a funny way to figure out where you’re going.“
>“Well how do you do it?“
>“I usually just go wherever the work is?“
>Emerald stares at Sundance a little more intently, “What do you do anyway?“
>“Well, I’m an adventurer.“
>“Oh, so you like, fight monsters and rescue royalty and stuff!?“
>“Sundance looks out the window at her own reflection and remembers some of the things she’s done, “Kind of.“
>Emerald’s eyes light up, “Oh wow! Do you think I could come along!“
>“I don’t… Look, it’s really dangerous.“
>“I’ve seen some dangerous things, Like fucking machines and big stallions! I can totally hold my own!“
>“I don’t think you understand. Don’t you have parents that would worry about you!?“
>Emerald curls up a bit. “My parents? My parents are dead.” Emerald holds back his tears and their car goes silent.
>Sandance swallows a lump in her throat and reaches to the young colt, It doesn’t take long before she finds herself hugging the boy, and letting him know that, “everything is okay.
(Sadly this is all of the fic I could find.)