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Size: 1000x2608 | Tagged: dead source, safe, artist:xeladuart, derpibooru import, adagio dazzle, ahuizotl, aloe, amber waves, amethyst star, amira, angel bunny, annoyed delegate, apple bloom, apple brown betty, apple cinnamon, apple split, applejack, archer (character), aria blaze, auntie applesauce, babs seed, baff, ballad, beauty brass, berry dreams, berry punch, berryshine, big daddy mccolt, big macintosh, bittersweet (character), bloomberg, blossomforth, blue moon (g4), blues, bon bon, boneless, bons away, boulder (pet), boysenberry, braeburn, breezette, bulk biceps, button mash, caesar, candy mane, caramel, carrot cake, carrot top, cayenne, cerberus (character), charity kindheart, cheerilee, cherry berry, cherry cola, cherry fizzy, cinnamon chai, cinnamon swirl, citrus blush, claude, clear skies, cloud kicker, cloudchaser, cloudy quartz, clump, coco crusoe, coloratura, compass star, concerto, cookie crumbles, cotton cloudy, crackle, crafty crate, crescent pony, crimson gala, cup cake, daisy, danny torrance, daring do, dark moon, derpy hooves, descent, diamond mint, diamond tiara, dinky hooves, discord, dizzy twister, doctor caballeron, doctor whooves, donut joe, double diamond, dusk drift, eclair créme, emerald green, fancypants, fashion plate, featherweight, felix, fiddlesticks, fido, filthy rich, fine line, fire streak, fizzle, flam, flash sentry, fleetfoot, fleur-de-lis, flim, flitter, florina tart, flower wishes, fluffy clouds, fluttershy, four step, frazzle rock, fred flintpone, frederic horseshoepin, fruit pack, fuchsia gems, gallop j. fry, garble, gilda, golden harvest, goldengrape, grampa gruff, granny smith, graphite, green gem, green jewel, greta, gummy, haakim, half baked apple, hayseed turnip truck, helia, high winds, hilly hooffield, holly dash, hondo flanks, honey lemon, honey rays, hugh jelly, hummingway, igneous rock pie, indigo zap, iron will, jangles, jet set, jonagold, junebug, kevin (changeling), king sombra, lavender fritter, leadwing, lemon hearts, lemon zest, lemony gem, lickety split, lightning bolt, lightning dust, lilac links, lilac sky, lily, lily longsocks, lily valley, limestone pie, linky, little strongheart, lord tirek, lotus blossom, luckette, lucky clover, lyra heartstrings, lyrica lilac, ma hooffield, magnet bolt, mane moon, mane-iac, marble pie, march gustysnows, marmalade jalapeno popette, matilda, maud pie, maxie, mayor mare, meadow flower, meadow song, merry may, midnight strike, minty bubblegum, minuette, misty fly, mochaccino, monochrome sunset, moondancer, moonlight raven, mr. turnip, ms. harshwhinny, neon lights, night glider, night light, nightshade, noi, north point, noteworthy, nurse coldheart, nurse redheart, nurse snowheart, nurse tenderheart, oakey doke, octavia melody, olden pony, opalescence, open skies, orange blossom, orange swirl, orchid dew, owlowiscious, parasol, parish nandermane, party favor, peachy pie, peachy pitt, peachy sweet, peewee, perfect pace, philomena, photo finish, pinkie pie, pinot noir, pipsqueak, pokey pierce, ponet, post haste, pound cake, prim hemline, prim posy, prince rutherford, princess cadance, princess celestia, princess luna, prism glider, pumpkin cake, purple waters, queen chrysalis, rainbow blaze, rainbow dash, rainbow stars, rainbowshine, randolph, rare find, rarity, raven, record high, red gala, rising star, roid rage, roseluck, rover, royal ribbon, royal riff, ruby splash, rumble, sapphire joy, sassaflash, sassy saddles, scootablue, scootaloo, screw loose, screwball, seabreeze, serena, señor huevos, shady daze, sheriff silverstar, shining armor, shiraz, shoeshine, silver berry, silver shill, silver spanner, silver spoon, silverspeed, sir colton vines iii, smarty pants, smooze, snails, snips, soarin', sonata dusk, sour sweet, spike, spitfire, spoiled rich, spot, spring melody, spring step, sprinkle medley, star hunter, starlight glimmer, stellar eclipse, steven magnet, stormy flare, strike, sugar belle, sugarcoat, sunburst, sunlight spring, sunny daze, sunny flare, sunset shimmer, sunshine petals, sunshine smiles, sunshower, sunshower raindrops, svengallop, sweetie belle, sweetie drops, symphony, tank, tender brush, thunderclap, thunderlane, tiberius, time turner, toe-tapper, tom, tree hugger, trenderhoof, trixie, tropical dream, tropical storm, trouble shoes, truffle shuffle, twilight sky, twilight sparkle, twilight sparkle (alicorn), twilight velvet, twinkleshine, twist, uncle curio, upper crust, vapor trail, vinyl scratch, warm front, wensley, white lightning, whoa nelly, wild fire, wind rider, winona, winter lotus, writing desk, written script, zecora, zippoorwhill, oc, oc:acousticbrony, oc:aviators, oc:blackgryph0n, oc:eilemonty, oc:fausticorn, oc:fluffle puff, oc:ilovekimpossiblealot, oc:mandopony, oc:pixelkitties, oc:prince whateverer, oc:sharpie fume, oc:snowdrop, oc:spotlight splash, oc:taralicious, oc:the living tombstone, oc:tridashie, oc:wooden toaster, ponified, alicorn, alligator, breezie, buffalo, bugbear, cat, cerberus, cockatrice, cragadile, crocodile, diamond dog, dog, draconequus, dragon, gryphon, owl, pegasus, pony, rabbit, rapidash, saddle arabian, turtle, unicorn, ursa minor, zebra, derpibooru, alicorn oc, animal, apple family member, cake family, carrot cup, cheerleader, clothes, cookieflanks, costume, crankilda, cutie mark crusaders, danny trottance, delivery pony, discorded, eilemonty, eilexgryph, equestria girls ponified, everyone is here, everypony, fancyfleur, female, flim flam brothers, flower trio, fredtavia, hat, help me im trapped in a tag factory, hooffield family, i didn't listen, john de lancie, lauren faust, librarian, m.a. larson, male, mane seven, mane six, mare, mccolt family, meme, multiple heads, mushroom hat, nightvelvet, ponysona, quartzrock, secret agent sweetie drops, shadowbolts, shadowbolts costume, shiningcadance, shipping, shooting star, sombra eyes, spa twins, spoilthy, stallion, starry eyes, statue, straight, tara strong, three heads, upperset, vertical, vertical collage, vinylights, wall of blue, wall of ponies, wall of purple, wall of tags, wingding eyes


My Little Pony: Color Spectrum by Rux[--]Xan. This updated version has Discord in.

dead source22048 safe2367822 artist:xeladuart15 derpibooru import2781682 adagio dazzle17911 ahuizotl1056 aloe3384 amber waves152 amethyst star3030 amira345 angel bunny11890 annoyed delegate26 apple bloom68010 apple brown betty162 apple cinnamon159 apple split337 applejack219235 archer (character)248 aria blaze13689 auntie applesauce342 babs seed7067 baff102 ballad63 beauty brass539 berry dreams30 berry punch7767 berryshine7762 big daddy mccolt109 big macintosh37545 bittersweet (character)84 bloomberg162 blossomforth1751 blue moon (g4)40 blues1191 bon bon20475 boneless530 bons away92 boulder (pet)1431 boysenberry223 braeburn7801 breezette43 bulk biceps4008 button mash5410 caesar361 candy mane338 caramel3085 carrot cake2640 carrot top6312 cayenne391 cerberus (character)202 charity kindheart37 cheerilee12379 cherry berry2488 cherry cola547 cherry fizzy603 cinnamon chai93 cinnamon swirl26 citrus blush176 claude84 clear skies209 cloud kicker2304 cloudchaser4559 cloudy quartz2004 clump244 coco crusoe685 coloratura4000 compass star116 concerto70 cookie crumbles1569 cotton cloudy521 crackle402 crafty crate119 crescent pony203 crimson gala28 cup cake5350 daisy2956 danny torrance24 daring do7689 dark moon339 derpy hooves62044 descent194 diamond mint242 diamond tiara13626 dinky hooves5105 discord40719 dizzy twister1164 doctor caballeron937 doctor whooves12200 donut joe967 double diamond2016 dusk drift57 eclair créme226 emerald green116 fancypants2617 fashion plate203 featherweight1490 felix14 fiddlesticks539 fido616 filthy rich1409 fine line238 fire streak317 fizzle692 flam2642 flash sentry16647 fleetfoot2805 fleur-de-lis5173 flim2767 flitter3636 florina tart218 flower wishes2826 fluffy clouds77 fluttershy283227 four step32 frazzle rock211 fred flintpone4 frederic horseshoepin324 fruit pack110 fuchsia gems8 gallop j. fry273 garble2305 gilda12384 golden harvest6312 goldengrape711 grampa gruff508 granny smith6534 graphite339 green gem116 green jewel59 greta527 gummy5914 haakim125 half baked apple160 hayseed turnip truck296 helia333 high winds303 hilly hooffield67 holly dash147 hondo flanks731 honey lemon97 honey rays34 hugh jelly260 hummingway48 igneous rock pie1221 indigo zap3300 iron will1520 jangles206 jet set557 jonagold172 junebug492 kevin (changeling)164 king sombra18904 lavender fritter70 leadwing100 lemon hearts2617 lemon zest4094 lemony gem201 lickety split396 lightning bolt1126 lightning dust5848 lilac links55 lilac sky173 lily2578 lily longsocks507 lily valley2580 limestone pie7140 linky1836 little strongheart971 lord tirek7882 lotus blossom3512 luckette173 lucky clover652 lyra heartstrings36655 lyrica lilac315 ma hooffield70 magnet bolt86 mane moon203 mane-iac1948 marble pie9450 march gustysnows309 marmalade jalapeno popette173 matilda609 maud pie16458 maxie238 mayor mare4245 meadow flower282 meadow song615 merry may853 midnight strike70 minty bubblegum127 minuette7348 misty fly678 mochaccino278 monochrome sunset12 moondancer6777 moonlight raven585 mr. turnip290 ms. harshwhinny3093 neon lights1148 night glider1651 night light3296 nightshade502 noi843 north point83 noteworthy1191 nurse coldheart265 nurse redheart4957 nurse snowheart227 nurse tenderheart126 oakey doke83 octavia melody29953 olden pony75 opalescence2492 open skies144 orange blossom88 orange swirl1164 orchid dew21 owlowiscious2334 parasol765 parish nandermane206 party favor1844 peachy pie153 peachy pitt60 peachy sweet337 peewee332 perfect pace327 philomena1255 photo finish3202 pinkie pie280165 pinot noir123 pipsqueak3572 pokey pierce1643 ponet421 post haste140 pound cake3351 prim hemline208 prim posy88 prince rutherford905 princess cadance45466 princess celestia123841 princess luna128439 prism glider41 pumpkin cake3062 purple waters135 queen chrysalis46398 rainbow blaze592 rainbow dash306179 rainbow stars303 rainbowshine1173 randolph105 rare find278 rarity238178 raven1231 record high22 red gala207 rising star1148 roid rage349 roseluck6702 rover1132 royal ribbon309 royal riff407 ruby splash110 rumble5162 sapphire joy416 sassaflash1089 sassy saddles1494 scootablue254 scootaloo66681 screw loose644 screwball1726 seabreeze577 serena150 señor huevos68 shady daze445 sheriff silverstar283 shining armor31359 shiraz123 shoeshine1938 silver berry123 silver shill199 silver spanner201 silver spoon8982 silverspeed122 sir colton vines iii711 smarty pants1666 smooze938 snails6147 snips4850 soarin'19366 sonata dusk18198 sour sweet4446 spike100804 spitfire17108 spoiled rich1735 spot547 spring melody1336 spring step255 sprinkle medley1336 star hunter398 starlight glimmer66261 stellar eclipse219 steven magnet629 stormy flare346 strike91 sugar belle4115 sugarcoat4268 sunburst9914 sunlight spring255 sunny daze165 sunny flare3563 sunset shimmer89334 sunshine petals66 sunshine smiles326 sunshower196 sunshower raindrops2670 svengallop486 sweetie belle64009 sweetie drops20475 symphony166 tank3409 tender brush163 thunderclap62 thunderlane5459 tiberius436 time turner12198 toe-tapper282 tom961 tree hugger3838 trenderhoof1035 trixie86799 tropical dream97 tropical storm26 trouble shoes1518 truffle shuffle480 twilight sky137 twilight sparkle394217 twilight sparkle (alicorn)155923 twilight velvet6335 twinkleshine2673 twist3428 uncle curio134 upper crust811 vapor trail1517 vinyl scratch35847 warm front167 wensley160 white lightning1126 whoa nelly326 wild fire993 wind rider286 winona2969 winter lotus163 writing desk230 written script336 zecora12266 zippoorwhill579 oc1067146 oc:acousticbrony11 oc:aviators10 oc:blackgryph0n101 oc:eilemonty69 oc:fausticorn1779 oc:fluffle puff3316 oc:ilovekimpossiblealot292 oc:mandopony382 oc:pixelkitties66 oc:prince whateverer194 oc:sharpie fume43 oc:snowdrop1530 oc:spotlight splash139 oc:taralicious144 oc:the living tombstone235 oc:tridashie144 oc:wooden toaster397 ponified54763 alicorn329278 alligator1279 breezie2985 buffalo847 bugbear228 cat9377 cerberus309 cockatrice633 cragadile131 crocodile391 diamond dog4335 dog13579 draconequus19178 dragon84968 gryphon39565 owl1492 pegasus489378 pony1495671 rabbit8762 rapidash441 saddle arabian844 turtle720 unicorn527036 ursa minor683 zebra26543 derpibooru9966 alicorn oc36992 animal8754 apple family member3688 cake family81 carrot cup391 cheerleader3990 clothes698563 cookieflanks209 costume43174 crankilda140 cutie mark crusaders24426 danny trottance19 delivery pony157 discorded2182 eilemonty80 eilexgryph10 equestria girls ponified5147 everyone is here22 everypony432 fancyfleur228 female1530515 flim flam brothers1579 flower trio695 fredtavia86 hat129896 help me im trapped in a tag factory4 hooffield family175 i didn't listen656 john de lancie246 lauren faust2006 librarian243 m.a. larson666 male528425 mane seven7796 mane six40608 mare706457 mccolt family253 meme108078 multiple heads2189 mushroom hat101 nightvelvet614 ponysona4377 quartzrock393 secret agent sweetie drops446 shadowbolts2409 shadowbolts costume1603 shiningcadance3287 shipping272964 shooting star1367 sombra eyes4247 spa twins1649 spoilthy94 stallion176925 starry eyes5544 statue3352 straight187893 tara strong1427 three heads684 upperset82 vertical261 vertical collage10 vinylights224 wall of blue45 wall of ponies1 wall of purple27 wall of tags5758 wingding eyes37032