Emerald asks what the organization does, how many members are in it, and where they are located.
“Well, like I said before we are primarily concerned with the investigation and elimination of the dark arts. As for how many members there are I’m not entirely sure. I know in our chapter there is quite a large number! Not all of them are investigators like us, many are soldiers, guards, or infiltrators.” Alacris taps her chin and then continues, “I think we are based in Equestria, but I’ve never visited the main branch. Our branch is in the Brightlands to the east.”
Emerald thinks about what he has heard about the Brightlands, but he can’t recall too much about it. He knows it’s rather mountainous, but that’s about it.
Emerald asks how long she has been a member.
“Ever since Venator rescued me!” She says happily and with a giggle, “He said he saw something in me that would make me a good member of the Order. I wonder what it was though…”
Emerald asks if the Order are allowed to date or anything.
“If you commit yourself to the protection of all that is good from the changing, ever immutable evil that is the dark arts there isn’t time to do much else…” She says with a sigh, “But as far as I know it’s okay!”
Emerald asks what kind of guy’s she likes.
“Hmm… I think I like them a little older than me…” She says with a blush.
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