Since I’ve been doing a bunch of things that I said I wouldn’t do XP You get an imaginary cookie if you guys can guess who these are. (I’ll be constantly updating as I do lineart and color)
Lineart! Some of you are getting close to guessing the pairings
Color! What are these colors even? I went crazy with the colors since they’re not official designs and I will probably never use these characters ever. So this was really fun to do. I went full out haha. BSed the names because I really don’t know what to name them
Names and ships:
Identity “Idie” (pronounced like “ID” XD): ClairexIllusion
Hayride “Rider”: CandyxDel
Cloud Skipper “Skips” (freaking Regular Show): CandyxPrism
Oasis: AnniexT
Apollo: AnniexT
Thunder Stomp: StarxDel
Striker: StarxPrism
Peridot Flame: NidraxT
Fraise: CrmexDel
Raine: WhirlwindxPrism
So yeah, quite a few of these characters wouldn’t exist in the same universe XP Well they could but it’d be very complicated and awkward
Now you can base what ship you support on what kid you want to see happen the most hahaha XD