DeviantArt (March 25, 2015 at 3:28:52 PM UTC)
I'm Back
If you'd like to, feel free to check out my website.In this story, the Doctor has left Ponyville for a long time and poor Derpy has been missing him an awful lot. In one of her sad moments, the Doctor comes rushing into Ponyville and gives Derpy a kiss (in the process nearly scaring Derpy to death, hee hee). Oh, how happy she is to see him though. :3
On a personal note, it's very difficult when you know someone you love is far away, it's even more sad when you don't know when they'll come again. Thankfully, for all of the trouble that distance brings, people that truly love you will let you know they still care no matter the distance.
~Enjoy!#ldr #loveletters #mail #iamback #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #derpyhooves #ditzydoo #doctorwhooves