"Ah, here! I used to come to this bookstore all the time after school. And it's still open!"
"Uh, your favourite bookstore is four stories up?"
"You think this is high? You should see the library."
Perched atop the mountains of northwest Equestria, Fledermaus presents the archetypical image of modern batpony society. The old and new intertwine, the skyline composed of multistory cobblestone towers resembling oversized countryside cottages. Much of the town is arranged vertically, with homes, businesses, and services often having their main entrances located several stories up. Balconies, winding staircases, and narrow alleyways connect the town for those traveling on hoof, while most batpony residents are free to fly. Little natural or artificial light permeates the streets, leaving creatures without heightened light sensitivity to navigate its narrow passages only by the only the dim glows emanating from advertisements, road vehicles, and building interiors.
Naturally, it can be quite challenging for outsiders to adjust.