-At Radical City-
A giant ring opened, allowing Trixie to go out of it, then it closed behind her. She panted at the sign of fear when all of the Sonics (Meaning: Classic, Modern, AOSTH, Sonic Adventure, Boom, Prime, Movie, CD, SSBB, ect.... well, excluding an EXE version of him) were still after her, but still. After all that chasing between time and universes, she really needed to sit down for a bit before the Sonics come back.
"Where do you think you're going?" Sonic said from behind.
She turned her head and sees a whole army of Sonics right behind her with the giant ring closing behind them. Trixie doesn't know how, when or what did they got here from Tokyo, somehow you just can't beat Sonic... uh, even if he's the fastest Hedgehog alive at this point.
The Modern version of Sonic walked towards to her with both of his fists all clenched up, but Trixie slowly backs away from him like she's afraid of him. Heck knows what's going to happen to her if he gets his foot closer to her.
"Alright, Trixie." He said without a moment to spare, "I ordered you to take back what you said about Rainbow Dash, or we're gonna make you."
She gasps as she got to her two hooves, "But you haven't witness the Great and Powerful Trrrixie's secret defense yet!"
"Let me guess, a fake magic show just to create a distraction?" Boom Sonic asks.
Trixie then quickly uses her smoke bomb to cover the Sonics with smoke along with the sounds of coughing. 'This will distract them.' She thought. Finally, without a moment to lose, She use her magic to make the Green Pipe Frame appear.
"Not the best color choice, but it'll be much easier." She said while hopping on the kart and races out of here as the smoke clears. As the smoke finally clears and the coughing stops, they see that the pony that they're chasing had left. Modern Sonic looked from beyond and sees Trixie riding a Kart. He smiled and thoughts to himself, 'If it's a race she wants, then it's a race she'll get'
"Come on!" Movie Sonic called, "Let's finish this, now."
But before he got the chance to dash after her, Modern Sonic grabbed him by the back spikes and said, "Woah, slow your role here."
"Is there something wrong here?" Movie Sonic said as he lets go of him.
"We can't get this guy," Modern Sonic said as he bring out his Blue Star from his game 'Sonic Riders' out and hops on it, "Time to go Karting!"
"Oh-hoho! I love that idea." Movie Sonic laughed as he brought up the spare ring, leaped to the air and Kicked it from behind. As the ring opened, the other Blue Star from 'Team Sonic Racing' appeared and he dropped down and hopped on it's seat. Then, he turned on the radio and plays, 'Super Sonic Racing' and races with Modern and Classic Sonic. Then, both the Adventure and Boom Sonics dashes with them, meanwhile, AOSTH Sonic, Prime Sonic, Smash Sonic and CD Sonic went back to their respective worlds, letting them do the rest from here.
Trixie Meanwhile, was driving her way down the road as she let out a calm sigh before saying, "Finally. They must be giving up back there while I finally fo-" A strange music played from the distance, then it approaches her as it grew louder, "W-what's that music?" Then she turned her head with a "HUH?!" as it got more and more closer.
Finally, she saw the Sonics karting after her. She didn't realized that when it comes to Sonic, he never gives up easily. But what she did realize that some of the Sonics left to their respective worlds.
Trixie laughed, "What happened to the rest of your friends, Sonic? Did they left you or something?"
"None of that matters now!" Modern Sonic said, "Pull over and give up before we do something crazy!"
"Never!" She yelled, not wiling to give up easily, "Not when she shifts into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!" And switched to Maximum Overdrive she did. As she did so, her kart went from speed to super speed that was faster than the speed of light, even Sonic can't even beat that. Her kart went so fast that she warped out of here. The other Sonics screeches to a halt, feeling very confused on what just literally happened.
"Wait, what's going on? Why are we stopping?" Movie Sonic asks.
"I don't know." Modern Sonic said, scratching his head, "She must've dissappeared or something."
If you wanna read the story, go read it yourself: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/568653/trixie-vs-the-sonic-verse