Ive had this idea in my head a while, I haven't done next-gens in a long while, im not the best at them lol, I just like designing lol so ya you read the title correctly, and its not a crackship, i think lol, so i was looking through my points history and i noticed i bought this adopt from h0mi3 that i never used, and in the note i said i was changing the parents from sunburst x Cadence to Sunburst x Blueblood..for some reason idk so i ran with it! lets say in this world that Blueblood isnt actually so bad, he was just tired of ponies flinging themselves at him because of his position, he actually enjoys sailing and being on the sea on adventures rather than entertaining the boorish ponies of Canterlot. however he is not supposed to enjoy such things lest they sully the family name. Blueblood is visiting the royal canterlot library to read some more books on adventures and sailing, when he bumps into a very distracted unicorn. Sunburst was just looking for more books on magical theory and helped blueblood find the books on sailing and the oceans, when he becomes interested in some books on the seaponies/hippogrifs. Him and blueblood both read about the culture together and Blueblood, somewhat charmed by this funky book horse, offers to take him there, for 'research purposes' purely. So they sail off to see the seaponies and theyre been together ever since yay. they originally used magic to turn sunburst into a female to concieve their daughter, North Star, however there is a certain risk involving magical conception between 2 male ponies, and it left sunburst through a very rough pregnancy, and North star was born prematurely. Both parents were worried she wouldnt make it, but she luckily grew up healthy with little problems. for their second child, they decided to use a surrogate instead, in which princess cadence volunteered after becoming very good friends with the couple, and not wanting them to have to go through what happened last time. this time the pregnancy was a success and a healthy baby colt was born (i dont have a good name for him yet RIP) North Star Her special talents lie in sailing and navigation, just like her father, shes especially good at using the stars to guide her way, however Blueblood idnt want her to get hurt sailing, he wanted to "protect the family name". So instead he suggests he become a model instead, North was very good at modelling, however she wasnt happy with it, she wanted to sail (i realize how much this sounds like Moana but i promise its nOT) she bares through it for her dads though. One day she is visiting some coastal region in equestria (its a modelling trip dad i swear!!)(it wasnt) when she meets a group of rather rugged looking ponies with a large ship. after some poking around she introduces herself to them and asks them about the ship. The ponies turn out to be pirates! they ponynap North and try to use her for ransom, but before they can shes saved by another group of pirates who are much nicer and are more interesting in protecting ponies from other pirates who would use them as slaves or worse. Its the most fun North has had in her life, she tells her fathers shes quitting being a model and going to go sail the seas. She writes to her new pirate friends that shes joining them. she leaves a note for her dads explaining everything and runs away in the middle of the night. and so becomes the awesome Pirate we see and uses her model power to distract ponies while also slashing their throats :) i have nothing yet for the Colt, also its 1:15 am and i have an 8:30 class tomorrow so byeee