The whole school was pathetic. Their small ideas, leading to even less impressive displays of power was sad at best.
It was midnight, Luna's moon was high in the sky as a crazed smile spread across one of the school's most...promising students.
Then a knife, such a simple object with such power, cut through the sky and slammed into the portrait hanging at one of the empty halls.
Glass rained down as the knife tumbled to the floor, only to be retrieved by its owner, who clutched a self-made doll in her other hoof.
"Such a waste..." The filly mumbled as she gave a glance to the magical texts surrounding her and then a hateful glance to the alicorn above before she grinned again to give a quick slash to the doll.
Choosing to ignore her blood-stained coat and precious knife. She did not want to consider what it took for her to get her goals accomplished.
"I could do so much more."
Equestria had all the power in the world, if only somepony could finally use it right.