HIIII! What’s this? A ghost?! Nope! I’m finally posting something again! : D I’m really sorry for the unannounced hiatus, I stated college recently and didn't have any time to upload in between assignments, though I have been working on some things for my AUS! And finally getting to introduce the babies from the winning ships of the Watcherverse, starting with the TwiMac family!
1) Twilight and Big Mac married soon after discovering they were soulmates, though their dates were usually filled with Twilight’s ramblings and Big Mcintosh silence, they loved being in each other’s company. Their wedding was small, well, as small as it can get with the whole Apple family being invited to it and the Crystal Empire royal family attending, but without the snobby nobles that should have been at a princess wedding.
2) When Twilight and Big Mac discovered they would have a child they were ecstatic and worried at the same time, after all Twilight was an alicorn, and her own brother and sister-in-law had produced a natural born alicorn, so what if their baby was an alicorn too? To their relief, when the moment came for Twilight to give birth in the Apple’s barn (an Apple family tradition, Twilight and Big Mac compromised that she would give birth in the farm but with a whole herd of the best royal doctors outside just in case) their firstborn was a perfectly healthy earth pony. As the years went by their anxiety for an alicorn foal decreased as their family grew, most of them being unicorns…until their last child was born, surprising everyone.
3) The TwiMac family tree! I’m planning on doing one for every family of the Watcherverse and when I’m done with introductions combine them in a big guide post C:
From eldest to youngest, we have:
Wish-I-May: The eldest daughter of the Apple-Sparkle herd, although she was born an earth pony she has a lot of magic in her, she can make flowers or grass grow by just walking on soil, and grows a special kind of flower that can grant wishes.
Cornucopia: The second daughter of the Apple-Sparkle herd, very generous often organizing fairs and carnivals so everyone can enjoy an apple treat. Her favorite festivity is Nightmare Night.
Apollo Apple: The third child and first son of the the Apple-Sparkle herd, considered very handsome by mares and stallions alike, but he isn’t spoiled nor cocky about it, his true passion is teaching magic.
Barn Owl: The fourth child the Apple-Sparkle herd, Barn Owl it’s not their real name but rather a nickname given to them as they sleep through the day and wake up at night, they gets along with night creatures such as bats and owls.
Not named yet (I would really appreciate suggestions for his name! I’ll edit this later with his official name): The fifth son of the Apple-Sparkle herd, although his dad family specializes in growing plants his always wither or don’t grow at all, his true talent lies in researching and making family trees.
Not named yet (I would really appreciate suggestions for her name! I’ll edit this later with her official name): The sixth daughter of the Apple-Sparkle herd, everyone tells her she got his grandpa coat and her two grandma’s hair combined, she is very proud of her family, hasn’t discovered her talent yet.
Rise N’ Shine: The seventh and youngest daughter of the Apple-Sparkle herd, and a HUGE surprise for everyone, was named after her uncle Shining Armor for their similarities. Her talent is basically making everyone rise and shine, literally, from clearing the sky so the sun can shine to waking up forest creatures.
4) The siblings bonding over braiding their hair! Just thought it would be a cute idea to draw and a subtle way to show their personalities!
5) The Apple-Sparkle home! I thought it would be so cute to have them living in a combination of the Oak tree library and the Apple family home. I tried to recreate the show style as much as I could and I think it turned out pretty good!
My headcanon is that after Bright Mac and Pear Butter wedding, seed planting became a tradition in the family when two ponies get married as a way to honor them, so when Twilight and Big Mac got married each planted a seed, Big Mac an apple tree seed (duh lol) and Twilight an oak seed. With a bit of Twilight’s magic, she transformed it into their home.
I got most of these cuties from Glamgoria-Adopts and MagicMusicalMadness ! Thank you so much again!
I also did their basic profiles on my Toyhouse https://toyhou.se/Bunn_Arii with their fullbody designs!