(Disclaimer, Star Trek: Aridaginata was a fanmade Star Trek X Equestria Girls was made by @JRShinkansenHorse)
After Starbreaker Firewalker's command of USS Starbreaker, the ship was decommissioned. As Starbreaker's went retired over Morningstar's Mansion, he was a former foster of Lilith Morningstar until he discovered that he found on the Star Realm of Aridaginata where Planet Mezma was destroyed by Section 31 after USS Mezma against USS JennaBun's attack. Starbreaker returns from Starfleet where he befriended Captain Becky Ray Shoichet was bringing a newly commissioned Starship, the USS Starbreaker NCC-72520-A. A Firewalker-Class Starship is going to take down by the Aridaginatans.