Oh look, it's a new gun revector, say it ain't so. :)
This is the powershell powershot rifle from >>2492872 by Vector-Brony; a companion to the Tyandaga rifle I vectored back in November 2020.
This one didn't take too long, considering all the color challenges. Because Spirit's telekinesis originally covered this rifle, it would have been all blueish and inaccurately colored. So I attempted a new technique for Inkscape, that I am dubbing grayscale color approximation.
Basically, I vectored each part of this gun in its picked color, then approximated it to the accurate gray hue (like if the color was 30bcacff, for example, I approximated it to 303030ff, which is a gray color). Every gray hue colored by blue originally was translated to the closest accurate color this way, so this vector would be properly usable. :D
The only colors not approximated were the red and yellow ones; there were identical colors in the Tyandaga rifle vector so I borrowed those. Green colors for the Applejack Rangers Logo were also approximated, more by eye. :)
Lots of technicalities but you know :D
Speaking of that logo... may not be completely accurate to shape as it was slanted originally. But, when you've got a sparkle perfectly hiding part of it...what are you gonna do ;D
Overall enjoyed completing this vector finally, after over a year of postponement. Hope y'all like my latest gun revector! :D