Greetings everypony! Darkblaze here with another piece of MLP art for you! This one's a bit different in that I wanted to show a less refined, more loose piece of sketch art instead of presenting a fully finished/polished vector artwork. Once again, my main four OCs are featured - Jasper, Aurora, Ivy, and Dusky - in anthro form, though the poses were originally created by DeviantArt user merrypaws, which you can find here: https://www.deviantart.com/merrypaws/art/MLP-Anthro-Bases-621982686
Considering I do not yet have much experience drawing anthro characters from scratch, I thought using a preset base might be good practice for me, and when I saw these figures from merrypaws, I knew I had to try it. Overall, I'm pleased with how these turned out, particularly their outfits. I've always had trouble making clothes look realistic in my drawings, but after reading through a couple of drawing books specializing in the subject, I feel I have a better grasp on how and where to apply those details. Hope you all enjoy this new artwork, and as always, DON'T SILENCE CREATIVITY!