And now, here we are with the shortest season of MLP, Season 3! Unlike all the other seasons where they had 26 episodes, this season had 13. However, just like the previous seasons, it still has great episodes, entertaining and heartwarming moments, wonderful songs, new characters (Like Babs Seed and Lightning Dust) and the return of some characters (Such as Trixie and Discord)!
For my favourite episode of Season 3, it would be Sleepless in Ponyville! This is the episode where Scootaloo (My favourite character along with Rainbow Dash) really shines! The message is handel really well, the music is really good and the scene where Rainbow takes Scootaloo under her wing and becomes her big sister is absolutely wholesome!😍 Plus, Princess Luna's role was also great! So, not only is it my favourite episode of Season 3, it's my all-time favourite of the show! Also, am I the only one who thinks that the episode a little similar to the Thedore Tugboat episode Theodore's Bad Dreams (Link to the episode: https://youtu.be/4RlgEQppMjs?si=DZTyy8niwG9zbZFR)? When you think about it, both Scootaloo and Theodore have bad dreams, they have trouble falling asleep and they both get really tired in the morning. The only difference is that Theodore had three nightmares which about the same sea monster whereas Scootaloo has two nightmares (One about the Olden Pony and the other about the Headless Horse), the last one turned into a good dream.
For my least favourite episode, it would be Magic Duel. I'm not really fan of it, mainly because of Trixie taking Pinkie's mouth and treating everypony like slaves (What a ba----d!). Grated, I like how everypony helped Twilight to get the upper hand or hoof on Trixie. Plus, I would be lying when I say that scene when Trixie placed a dome over Ponyville, it gave me vibes to The Simpsons Movie. Not to mention I get Homer's line "D'OOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMME!" playing in my head when I watch it!😆
Overall, Season 3 is a short, but sweet season in my opinion.