Wolfverse Sparkle siblings ahoy!!
Prince Eventide Ara Sparkle
FtM, He/Him
Head of the Ponyville Castle of Equestria and the Alicorn of Magic
In my previous next gen, I had a much meaner and rundown version of Twi. There have been many, many changes since then! He is still a bit rundown and has trauma that he is working through, but not callous.
He is a loving husband to Sunburst Shimmer-Sparkle and Radiant Hope and a doting father to their foals!
Captain Shining Armor Sparkle
masc, He/Him
Head of military of the Solstice Castle of the North and Duke of the Crystal Empire (title earned as father to Crystal Empire heirs)
He does get together with Cadence still and they have a few kiddos together, but they end up splitting on good terms and are still close friends. He did keep the title of Captain of the Crystal Empire military for a few years after before electing Flash Sentry as the new captain and taking up the same mantle for Princess Sunset Shimmer's kingdom also in the North. Currently resides in Solstice Castle with his sons Winter Spirit Durante Amore and White Knight. Still thinking of someone(s) to pair him with!
Shining Armor: is white
Me: No, I know you. Ur not <3
This is kinda my favorite redesign of these two yet. I always blank when it come to Twi designs-I hope that I did justice here with my dear Eventide!