Today, two specimens entered my library sometime in the early evening. Two mare unicorns, one was tall, brash, and carried an air of self authority, all around she stank of Guardian meddling. The other was a rather unassuming mare, she was average in her proportions, rather young, and a seemingly normal mare.
As usual I presented myself and request that they leave. The dark one seemed quite alarmed upon seeing me and attempted to open fire with a gun weapon, a pistol I believe, only my quick web shot stopped her from damaging my library. The dark one proceed to struggled fiercely, (just like all the others) I was surprised to see the other mare not so much as raise a fuss, nay, she seemed almost relaxed. 'Well now' I thought, 'It seems I've caught another web lover.' I've caught several creatures throughout the ages that enter just to become a victim in my webs as a fetish of some sort. I may indulge her, but fist I must tend to the dangerous one first. Grabbing the dark one I was very quick to inject her with my strongest venom, Guardian agents are very tough to poison, but I've read the records the Guardian keep here, giving me the ability to quickly pacify them. With the dark one now limp I quickly wrap her for safe keeping. Still the other mare had yet to be even the slightest bit nervous, I did not detect even a hint of arousal from seeing her companion become cocooned.
I circle her, study her, but she only patiently looks back at me, a smile upon her muzzle.
"Why do you come here little one? You are not here for plunder, nor are you here as a will to be a victim in webs, yet you sit here without worry. Why is that?" I asked, hanging from my steel like threads.
"Well, I heard about this place and how you've been here longer than anyone can remember. I felt kinda bad because you must be very lonely living here with nopony to talk to and be friends with." The mare's voice was gentle, calming, a voice a mother should have. Again I was perplexed at her motives, how trivial.
"I am ageless. I have cast my ageless spell across the library. Every book and timber is still as fresh as the day it was brought here. I don't need friends. Even the creatures that come just to be prey are insignificant to keeping my library safe." Yes it was a cold thing to say, but things like humor and pity tend to weather away in time, even affection, the perverse glee I once felt in wrapping willing prey has long since faded. This mare tilted her head to one side, looking concerned.
"Do you have a name? I'm Amberlue." She smiled warmly. I looked at her for a moment then sighed. Alright, I'll indulge this 'friend' just long enough till she beg me to wrap her.
"I was never given a name. Though I guess being here I call myself the Librarian." Amberlue listened intently, hm, she didn't laugh at my name? That's...pleasantly different.
"That makes sense, you do a really good job keeping the library perfect. You seem like a really nice guy Librarian," Of course, brown nosing, A obvious precursor to- "What's your favorite book?" I was taken a little of guard by Amberlue's question, for the first time in years I hesitated to think back to all the books I read through the ages.
"Hmm...Well I do prefer the middle age poems, I find them rhythmic and almost song like in their use. But I like to go back to 'Classic Poems and Short Stories, Volume:2.' That is has to be my personal favorite." Amberlue eye's lit up a big smile crossed her muzzle.
"I know that book!" What? How? I have the only copy.
"Do you now?" I said skeptically, she must be thinking of a different book. "Tell me, what's your favorite story and poem in said book?" Amberlue thought for a moment.
"I had two favorites; The poem about how a spider catches a butterfly bet lets her go and she visits him as friends. The other was the story about how a kind mare softened the heart of a mean prince and then become a good king and queen."
I was...amazed. For a moment I was at a loss for words. For so many years, so many countless years, I have felt nothing but coldness between others, no connection in the slightest. But with this mare, this simple mare unicorn by the name of Amberlue. I felt a connection, a bridging where our interests met. I gently picked up Amberlue to better look at her unique coloration, lighter blue spatters were across her body of darker blue. Even up close, my dagger sharp black fangs mere feet from her. Still, Amberlue was just as calm as before, just happy and comfortable. Close enough I was a little startled when she reached up to hug my face. I chuckled and stroked her back.
"My my...After so many years I thought I had seen all that the outside world had to offer, all the people the same year after year...But not you my dear." Amberlue looked up to me,
"So we can be friends?" She asked hopefully. If I could I would smile, Amberlue had a child like hope about her, so eager and yearning to help others, her aura reflected that.
"Hm hm, Yes Amberlue, I would like to be your friend very much." I said as I very carefully hugged her back, Even in my grip she was calm, never shaking, her heart never racing, perhaps...perhaps she really does mean what she said. At that point I felt her cuddle closer with a shudder, I pulled back to look at her,
"Is something wrong?" I said, Amberlue looked up to me.
"It's getting cold in here," She shivered, "I should have brought warmer clothes."
"I could wrap you a cozy cocoon if you'd like?" Amberlue nods.
"Yes please, that sound very nice." I carefully maneuvered my legs to wrap up my new and dearest friend, slowly rotating her so as to not make her dizzy.
"So," I began, watching my wide and thick sheets cover up her hind legs, "Have you ever felt a spider's silk on your body before tonight?" Amberlue nodded.
"Mm hm, drider and spider webs are really cozy to sleep and cuddle in." I raised an eyebrow,
"Really? That's interesting Amberlue." I said as she put her hooves behind her back as my wrapping crept up her body, I didn't even need to ask.
"Um, if you wouldn't mind, you can if you want, cover up my mouth too." Amberlue smiled back at me. Hm hm, I would expected for her to ask to have her lady parts left exposed had she been one of the others.
"Heh, Of course my dear." I said softly as the webs reached her neck she closed her muzzle as I sealed it over. For some reason I felt a flicker of excited joy when I say Amberlue happily wrapped and looking up to me, gently squirming to test her comfy cocoon, I then started adding the next layer when I stopped, for just a moment to gently tickle her belly. Her muffled giggles brought out soft chuckles of my own as I watched her wiggle in my protective grasp, she was very cute, I must admit, I added the second and then third layer to ensure the forest chill wouldn't get her sick. Once she was done I held her close and she nuzzled. I don't know why but she felt so much more warm than the past others.
"Now my dear Amberlue, let's take you to my quarters where my webs are, I'll get you nice and comfortable in a silk bed, then lull you to sleep, in the morning we can read, discuss poems and stories," I held her in my legs to look at her, still happily looking back at me.
"But what I really want to do is make you a nice dress. As a gift of our friendship." Amberlue voiced her approval with a content humm and nodding. With that, I took Amberlue to my quarters to rest, tomorrow was going to be a day I for the first time in forever, Looked forward to.
Now alone, Nightswift hung limp in her binds, weakly pulling this way and that. 'Well...' She thought letting herself relax. 'This may be a while...Damn.'
This is a very late birthday gift to this guy! MaelstromConnor. He's an amazing guy, he's nice, fun, and got some really neat ideas! Look him up!
Amberlue @ MaelstromConnor