Deviantart Description:
fanart of "Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron" with the style of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"
Ya se que esta no es la cara que tienen los pony machos, pero me gusta mas este tipo, es mas adorable^
La marca que le he hecho a Spirit no es ninguna de las que me sugeristeis en el anterior dibujo, decidi ponerle un aguila porque creo que es el simbolo que mejor le define.
He intentado que esta escena parezca una screenshot con un estilo my little pony, espero que me haya quedado bien^
me estan dando ganas de hacer mas fanarts usando este estilo pony, por ejemplo de harry potter o de "the big bang theory", que os pareceria?
I know this is not the face with the male pony, but I like this type is cuter ^ ^
The brand that I've done to Spirit is none of which I suggested in the previous drawing, I decided to put an eagle because I think it is the symbol that best defines him.
I tried to make this scene look like a screenshot with my little pony, I hope I've been good ^ ^
I like doing are giving more fanarts using this style pony, for example harry potter or "the big bang theory," which seem to you?