Deviantart Description:
fanart of "The Big Bang Theory" with the style of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"
Aqui esta lo prometido, los personajes de big bang theory en pony! me he divertido muchisimo haciendo y el resultado me encanta sobremanera
Sheldon: su marca es un cerebro porque es el mas inteligente del grupo, los colores de su cuerpo estan inspirados en su camiseta de flash, y las partes azules simbolizan la camiseta azul que suele llevar debajo de esa.
Leonard: su marca es un atomo, y elegi el color azul para el por ser frio ya que el siempre actua de manera timida y raras veces se mueve mucho. La marca clarita de su cuello la puse porque siempre suele llevar chaquetas con el interior claro, y los ojos cerrados y pequeñitos no podian faltar
Penny: su marca son dos mascaras teatrales ya que ella es aspirante a actriz, escogi el rosa para ella porque es un color que le gusta bastante, y no podian faltar unas crines sensuales y una mirada intereante.
Howard: Su marca son el simbolo del macho y de la hembra entrelazados simbolizando sexo ya que es un pervertido en toda regla, y en la expresion de la cara hago un pequeño guiño a quagmire, de family guy. Me costo decidirme por su color porque siempre lleva ropa de colores muy chillones, pero honestamente no se me ocurria de que manera podria ponerle el cuerpo de colorines, asi que finalmente me decidi por el negro y no me arrepiento.
Rajesh: su marca es una corchea tachada simbolizando el silencio porque el es incapaz de hablar con mujeres a menos que haya tomado alcohol, y pense en ponerle una expresion timida porque es la actitud que suele tener. La verdad es que es el personaje que considero mas adorable de la serie.
Here is what was promised, the characters in pony big bang theory! I have a lot of fun doing and I love the result very much
Sheldon: his cutie mark is a brain because it is the most intelligent of the group, the colors of your body are inspired by his shirt flash, and the blue parts symbolize the blue shirt is usually worn under this.
Leonard: his cutie mark is an atom, and chose the color blue for being cold since he always acts so shy and rarely moves a lot. The brand clarita his neck I put it always seems to wear jackets with the interior light and tiny eyes closed and could not miss
Penny: her cutie mark are two theatrical masks since she is an aspiring actress, chose pink for her because she is a pretty color you like, and could not miss a sexy mane and a look intereante.
Howard: his cutie mark is the symbol of the male and female gender as intertwined symbolizing a pervert in all rule, and the expression of the face I make a little nod to quagmire from family guy. It cost me deciding on its color because it always has very bright colored clothes, but honestly I could not think how it could put the body of bright colors, so finally I decided on black and have no regrets.
Rajesh: his cutie mark is an eighth crossed symbolizing the silence because he is unable to talk to women unless you have taken alcohol, and thought about putting a shy expression because it is the attitude that usually. The truth is that I believe is the most adorable character in the series.