Deep in the heart of a vast jungle, within an ancient temple, a rather insidous plot afoot as a rather notorious treasure hunter finds his prize...
icondaringdowhatplz: "Seriously? That's the ending?"
:icondrcaballeron2plz: "Well, it's MY kind of ending. What's so wrong about the villain being the winner for once?"
icondaringdosquintplz: "We won't be accepting your ending to this book."
:icondrcaballeronwutplz: "What?? Oh come on! You always leave me in a horrible situation. "
icondaringdosquintplz:"But you usually come out of it unscathed in my versions."
Rainbow Dash Crying icon "Yeah... I like plots-twists and all but this one doesn't SIT well with me in it."
Quibble Pants (Sullen) "I've read BUTT JOKES better than this."
icondaringdogrinplz: "Sorry Caballeron. But it looks like your PLOT won't make the shelves."
:icondrcaballeron3plz: "CURSE YOU DARING DOOOOOO!!!"
Well, that sure was an interesting PLOT DEVELOPMENT ^
Hopefully curses like these are undone with ease. Daring Do needs to go on more adventures afterall.