Hahai! It's been a hot second!
My girlfriend and I have been dealing with our car, moving, and trying to plan out what our life is going to be like for the next few months. It's been a sluggish couple of weeks, so sorry for my inactivity :3
Dragonfly has been terrorizing my thoughts lately, so I wanted to doodle him out and show off his personality a bit more!
He is the youngest in the FlutterDash family, and the main reason why Flutters and Dash decided to stop having kids ahah. His pregnancy was by far the most difficult for Fluttershy, and it unfortunately caused some trauma for her afterwards. Regardless, Flutters and Dash still LOVE their little melonhead to pieces, even if he is an uncontrollable crack head most days ahah!
- Fluttershy has, and always will be, a doting friend and mother. With Dragonfly, however, she get's especially worried. It might partially be because of his traumatic birth (after everything they both went through, she wants nothing more then to make sure her baby has a happy and long life), but its mostly because Dragonfly is a impulsive idiot. You might look at a bugbear and see danger, but Dragonfly looks at a bugbear and sees the PERFECT opportunity to show off his new stunt, "flaming wheel of death". Pictured is the inevitable doting, worried-filled lecture Dragonfly endures after every stunt that fails on him~
- When Dragonfly was an itty bitty little baby, Fluttershy and Rainbow LOVED calling him their little melon boy, due to his oddly watermelon-like colors. They still love calling him melon, but unfortunately Dragon has reached the age where he realizes cute nicknames "aren't cool". Any time he is even vaguely referred to as a melon, he immediately gets all fluffy and flustered with anger. He is NOT a MELON, MOM... It doesn't stop them though, they just like teasing him about it now~ 3-4. Just some more refined doodles of him~ he wants to look and be cool all the time. Do NOT look at him unless he is being cool or he WILL be upset