Sweet Tooth/Sweetie
Species: Earth Pony
Parents: Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich
Personality: Hyper, Bouncy, Excitable, Cheerful
Talent: Spreading love and cheer through her food
Job: Baker/professional prankster
The lighter, taller, and fluffier twin, Sweetie is a hyper-active bouncy pony just like her parents. She often gets excited and will start twitching and bouncing around when this happens. Here Cutie Mark is two heart-shaped lollipops to represent her desire to fill the world with joy and love throught her baking.
Sweetie is the Element of Laughter, gained from her mother.
Like her father, Sweetie has long and skinny legs.
She loves pranks and jokes, and often gets into trouble when they go too far.
Her partner-in-crime (and life <3) with these jokes is Prism Gale
Sweetie's Cutie Mark was earned at a young age. Originally, Sweetie wanted to be the best baker she could be, just because she thought it would be cool. Yet her baked goods never came out very good. It wasn't until she realized that cooking with love was the key to happiness for both herself and her taste - testers that she began advancing quickly in the kitchen.
She knows clearly of Gummy's jealousy that she was chosen for the Element of Laughter, and it saddens her. Oftentimes she wishes he were chosen instead, so that she may be free of the responsibility and so that he can further protect other ponies.
Sweetie cannot stand spicy food.