Sweet Tooth and Gumdrop
Behold, I finally made a sort of reference sheet for two of my NextGen ponies: Pinkie and Cheese's children, Sweet Tooth and Gumdrop
Each one is gonna have their own separate page as well but some random info about the two of them together:
They have been together since birth and they plan to stay that way until they die. Although vastly different, they share a bond only twins can have, and are actually afraid of being separated from each other for too long.
They can even sense things about the other over long distances (although that may also be the Pinkie Sense carrying on to them).
They both love candy and baked goods, especially chocolate.
Oftentimes they can be seen having intense staring contests, although these usually end in a tie.
So yes enjoy my twins. Originally it was supposed to just be Sweetie, but then I was like "I WANT A CHOCOLATE TWIN DUO" so Gummy was born too. Thus he is the younger twin.