I've been drawing some of my favorite MLP ships and the kids I've created for them. So, while I'm working on the second-to-last image, and work on some side drawings of other ships kids, I decided to draw this!
Say hello to a series of drawings showing the evolution of the Mane 6 Next Generation + Dislestia!
From top to bottom, left to right:
1: Sweet little Wavedancer
2: Wavedancer with her new friend Dazzleflash
3: Wavedancer taking little Applebuck for a ride, while Dazzleflash watches (worried maybe?)
4: Wavedancer gushes over little Colorful Thunder, while Dazzleflash teases Applebuck about his books
5: Wavedancer and Dazzleflash fly around! Applebuck watches little Sunstrike with interest while Colorful Thunder finds him a bit... Weird...
6: Applebuck is (trying) to write important things down, as Sunstrike and Colorful Thunder run around him. Meanwhile, Dazzleflash and Wavedancer just can't take their eyes out of little Precious as she munches on a beautiful and tasty amethyst.
7: The whole group together, now with the adition of little Cloudchaser, who really likes the flying rides he gets from his new friend, Sunstrike.
I may color it maybe...
Wavedancer, Dazzleflash, Applebuck, Colorful Thunder, Sunnynight, Precious and Cloudchaser belong to me.
MLP belongs to Hasbro.