When Rarity ended up joining Ballers and changing for the first time, they found themselves as Elusive. Sure, they were plenty handsome and a sight for soreeyes, but they weren't exactly "bro" like others, much to Dusk's confusion.
Regardless, Elusive joined the team and started waitering, tending to the steady flow of customers Ballers usually got. However, over the course of their long shift, things shifted. Their attitude and behavior grew more jovial and rowdy, their muscles swell, and the true himbo spirit came out.
And it would be like that for everytime in the future. Rarity found it a touch embarrassing admittedly, finding she enjoyed herself more when her male counterpart reflected her usual refinement. However, everyone else really loved it and even deep, deep down, there was a certain thrill in it for her as well. As such, Elusive would be seen plenty of times in the future.