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Uploaded on Monday, March 6, 2023
Gift to this wonderful site for seven years of community collaborations, and the latest seventh completed by Joey faithfully and uploaded yesterday. The mistress and ponification of Derpibooru's Community Collaboration tag, Miss Collabooru, is here at last. 💗🌺
Collabooru is a crystal ponification. Her tail, however, is an augmented, non-crystallized but translucent hourglass, representative of this event being an annual one. Her cutie mark is a special fusion of Trixie's and Derpy's, as their names and cutie marks together brand the site - and she is pink and inverted in the colors of the pink tag. ✨
Hourglass is vectored based on a screen of The Cutie Re-Mark
Collabooru's hairstyle is reminiscent of Rarity's from The Gift of the Maud Pie
Not tagging with the collaboration tag until the event awards for the 2023 collaboration are finished to avoid any confusion. 👍
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