Good evening from the Philippines, my country! This is Crisostomo-Ibarra from deviantART and I am joining this year's seventh Derpibooru Community Collaboration, making this my fifth consecutive participation for these annual site-wide winter collaborations. The following group drawing here is similar to my submission last year, with all of the OC's I drew at that time making an appearance again this 2023, along with an extra one who I drew and appeared in the collab from two years ago. I would like to thank these following people for being an inspiration for me to be a brony and an active member of deviantART community. The following OC’s and their users (with links to their deviantART links) are as listed below from left to right:
1.) Radiant Sword
2.) Jessica Pedley (JessicaPedley)
3.) Aspen (DoraeArtDreams-Aspy)
4.) Ryan (AngryBeavers1997/MaldonisTheLynx)
5.) Princess Fantasy Star (PrincessFantasyStar)
6.) Cyber Gamer (Digigex90)
7.) Paint Sketch (My personal ponysona)
8.) Midnight Shadows (MidnightShadowsVA)
9.) Author Penfeather (Courageous-0f-Light)
10.) Chaud Starpower (ChaudTheGamer)
11.) Silvermane (Silverbrony97)
12.) Connie the Casanova
13.) Summer Sketch (SummerSketch-MLP)
14.) Bright Idea