Got this beauty from Glorymoon <3
Meet Cosmos, a student at the School of Friendship! So far the only goat at Twilight's academy, Cosmos is interested in learning everything he can about space, which just happens to be one of Twilight Sparkle's special interests. He has small tutoring sessions with her, whenever her busy schedule allows, which usually involves Headmare Twilight info-dumping while Cosmos furiously writes down as much as possible. He rooms with Pins 'N Needles, Hisan, and Painted Stars and the four getting along fairly well, especially when they all get together and chat about their respective hobbies or interests! He is, however, a fainting goat, and is known to seize up and collapse to the ground when startled by fast movements or loud sounds. Only those closest to him are forgiven for startling him, but it seems like foals around Ponyville love to jump out and surprise him in attempts to make him lock up. He can usually laugh it off, in most cases, but can hold onto that bitterness for awhile in private.