Today’s prompt: Draw a pony graduating / Draw a pony attaining their goal.
Well, we’ve reached the end of another session of pony prompts. This has been such a blast to take part in, as I don’t often do much drawing these days, so it was good to have a good excuse to, lol. I know most of my pieces were all pretty simple and basic, especially compared to the masterpieces I saw on display this year, but I still had a lot of fun, and that’s what really counts in the end. And so, as my final piece for this year’s Artist Training Grounds, here’s Tough Cookie, Syntax, and Pastel Macaroon, two adventurers and one junior adventurer, signing off at the end of this month of artistry. I had fun using them as the subjects for a lot of my prompts, and I hope you guys enjoyed seeing them too. =)