Name: Dark Bloomer
Species: Earth pony, Filly
Occupation: Equestrian warrior (formerly), Rag peddler (formerly)
Powers and Abilities: Magic, Survival skills
Voice Actor: Michelle Creber
Inspirations: Mina Loveberry, Sailor Moon, Celena (aka Magical Pony)
Appearance: Dark Bloomer is a filly with light grey skin, long black hair tied into knee-length pigtails with large buns at each base, and red eyes. Her appearance looks just like Apple Bloom's. She is an Equestrian warrior. Dark Bloomer wears a light green dress with a picture of a cat on the front, a purple bow tie with a yellow heart in the center, purple knee-high boots, yellow bunny earrings, long white gloves, a purple hair bow and a silver spiked helmet. As a result of her stay on Earth, her dress is tattered (with a large tear in the midsection) and covered in dirt, she is missing her right boot, her right hair-bun has dirt on it and her pigtails are messier, and her pupils are tinier with bags under her eyes due to going insane.