Name : Apple Swirl
Nicknames : Bro|Jack (His Siblings), Swirl (Friends)
Parents : Apple Jack (Mother), Rainbow Dash (Mother)
Siblings : Apple Heaven (Older Sister), Zap Cloud (Older Sister)
Birthday: March 14th
Age : 15
Occupation : Study in Friendship's school
Species : Unicorn
Gender : Male
Place of Birth: Ponyville's hospital
Place of Residence: Sweet Apple Acres
Crush : N/A
Personality : Youngest apple in the family. Cutie mark and species nothing like his parents or siblings but inherited from his great-grandmother (headcanon). A good student and get a excellent mark in most of his magic exams. Love history, apples and stars. He can't swim and allergy to grapes. Still need to learn from the others and history of the world..