<sub>Copied from Source:</sub>
You see, I thought it would be wholesome to draw Flutters and Big Mac with their baby girl, ‘Valentine’ (nickname Strawberry) for y’know Valentine’s Day (though it’s not today, lol. I’ll be busy then, so I’m submitting this early 👌). I would think in the pony world she would be born on Hearts and Hooves Day (and in real life Valentines Day). She was such a cuddly filly when she was a foal, and would always fall right to sleep on them when they we’re resting in the fields. Of course Fluttershy would always break down into tears because of how adorable Valentine was when she would do that. Big Mac would just groom her as she enjoyed frolicking about while they were outside working.So yeah, just a little something something. Nothing <span class="caps">TOO</span> much. Honestly I just really wanted to draw some more FlutterMac drawings (since I don’t draw them much… or even the others… I need to do better 😅 oops🙃). (And I was finally not lazy enough to do shading…. goodness me)
~I don’t say this much, but I do hope you all are having a fantastic day! Thank you for the support! 😊And be safe!😷👌
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