Originally posted on: December 19, 2014, 6:03 PM UTC
Smaug is in the house BABY!!! XD W.I.P ?
"null":https://dragonheartluver.deviantart.com/art/Don-t-comment-stamp-165743844I planning to color this, but I feel unsure about it, inspire video here lol "www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCNjzF…":https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCNjzFDa8W4 when I watched this I feel giggle inside X3 Discord should never mess with Smaug. I guess you need an explanation for what's going on in this picture, so you guys won't thinking this the wrong way ;
Smaug body slam Discord or sat on him, I honestly don't know what I drew here, but Smaug is enjoying his chair lol 😆 please I beg you don't get mad TwT sigh poor chibi Discord "Big Hero 6 Baymax (There There)":https://invadersiz.deviantart.com/art/Big-Hero-6-Baymax-There-There-496046146 nothing wrong here if it was I wouldn't post it or put it on in other site comment plz
Smaug+Discord (c) Warner Bros and Hasbro