This is pretty much the same image as my final piece for the Newbie Artist Training Grounds, but I edited it a bit so that it's a more general gathering of my pony OCs. =)
Blazewing: My mascot OC, a bookworm and typist.
Talent: Story-writing
Cutie mark: computer keyboard
Maggie: Blazewing's rather plump cousin, a fun-loving foalsitter.
Talent: Caregiving
Cutie mark: nest with eggs
Pecan Sandy: Blazewing's special somepony, a sweet-natured cookie baker.
Talent: Baking
Cutie mark: cookie trio
Tough Cookie: A chubby and sassy artifact appraiser and treasure hunter from Canterlot.
Talent: Magical carbon-dating
Cutie mark: Scroll of parchment
Syntax: A bookkeeper and polyglot, Cookie's best friend and traveling partner.
Talent: Language translation
Cutie mark: conjoined 'A' and 'E'
Pastel Macaroon: Cookie's niece, a brave filly who likes seeking her own adventures
Talent: Unknown, but enjoys baking
Cutie mark: Currently absent