One of the drawings I started during my 6th anniversary Picarto stream. The theme of the stream was Magicians, Maids, and Mermaids. Here's Rarity with her ever helpful assistant Spike.
Now in both my Equestria and Anthro MLP dreamscape there is a class of performer referred to as a Stage Magician. What makes them special is that they perform acts on stage that appear to be magical in nature, but are done as they are in our world. With dexerity, misdirection, sleight-of-hand, psychology, and cleverly crafted props and items. The thrill of their shows is watching them use their wits, charm, and imagination to pull of their illusions.
Another advantage of a Stage Magic is that Earth Ponies, and Pegasi can practice it. Unicorns can do it, but its tradition that they wear an inhibitor ring on their horn to dampen their horn's magical abilities. That's what Rarity is wearing one. Another common item of their performances is portable magic shielding wards that they'll erect around their stage. This prevents assistance from hidden unicorn collaborators, and stops tampering from unicorn members of the audience.