Page 1535 - Through the Ages
18th May 2021, 6:00 AM in "Magical Mystery Cure": your players want to unlock incredible power that fundamentally alters the setting, you might as well give their self-imposed quest the gravitas it deserves.
No Spudventures this week. We just wrapped up two campaigns in a row and I'm exhausted and overloaded, so I called in a mulligan.
Princess Celestia: The Elements symbolize our harmony not only with each other, but with the living spirit of the land. In that sense, the power of the Elements cannot be replaced.
Twilight Sparkle: Alright...
Princess Celestia: But you are not the first to try unlocking the rainbow power within ponies. The last one... was Star Swirl the Bearded. But he was unsuccessful, his last spell left incomplete. It was only long after he disappeared, in our darkest hour, that we finally found the Elements of Harmony. So I ask again: Are you ready to attempt what history's greatest wizard could not?
Twilight Sparkle: This is intense...
Rainbow Dash: This is [awesome.]