I was snowed in today so I got to work on my headcanon drawings for Dash and Bell! Hopefully I’ll have no school tomorrow and I can make some more next gen bios. I want to get them out relatively fast because I haven’t worked on anything with a coherent storyline on deviantart in such a long time :0 I don’t want to out pony myself though and get tired of drawing them. Especially because I do need to continue working on humans XD
Maybe I’ll make some ponies as humans.
Dumbbell Dumbbell is older than Rainbow Dash by two years. He was born in Cloudsdale, like a good amount of pegasi in Equestria were. Bell’s parents were very busy ponies. They didn’t have a lot of money, so both of his parents worked twelve hour days if they could for extra bits. This meant that Bell spent a lot of time on his own. He was very independent as a colt and knew how to take care of himself. Even though his parents didn’t mean to neglect him, they sort of did. They never spent much time with their son and were often terse with him because they were exhausted and stressed. When Bell went to flight school, he was determined to get his mom and dad to notice him. He worked hard. He did everything he could to be top of his class and win all the junior races. For once, Bell was popular and loved by his peers. Even though his parents hadn’t taken notice of his efforts, he didn’t need them anymore. He had friends- no, fans. That’s all he needed. But third year of flight school, something changed. There was a new pony. She was faster than Dumbbell. She was braver than Dumbbell. She was better than Dumbbell. He wouldn’t stand for that. Just after he’d finally gotten the recognition he’d always wanted, he didn’t want it to be taken away. Dumbbell and two of his followers, Hoops and Score, bullied this new pony. Rainbow Dash. Dumbbell knew he needed to do everything in his power to put her down, before she got too full of herself. He needed to protect his place. But Dash fought right back. She continued to excel in flying, and even befriended the shy, meek pegasus, Fluttershy, who happened to be in Dumbbell’s year. No matter what Dumbbell did, Rainbow Dash could do it better. In a strange way, Bell began to admire Dash. She was strong and brave and loyal, and she’d always stand up for her friends no matter what it cost her. But she was trying to take away what Bell had. He had to stop her. After challenging Dash to a race, and with her winning, Dumbbell was crushed. She’d even managed to perform the legendary sonic rainboom. There was nothing he could do to stop her now. He graduated the next year and moved on with his life. He became a personal trainer, doing his best to encourage ponies to do what he couldn’t. Many years later, after Bell had grown up, he was offered a ticket by one of his coworkers to a Wonderbolts show. He decided to go, even though he hadn’t really thought of the Wonderbolts in ages. At the show, Bell just so happened to run into his old rival. Rainbow Dash. Dash was there with Fluttershy and a few other pegasi from flight school. Dumbbell wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to get one last kick in since it could’ve been his last time ever seeing Dash. Dash fired right back, and that was that. A few months later, Bell caught word that Dash had been accepted into the Wonderbolts. He decided to attend a show to see if it was really true, and it was. There was that familiar rainbow maned pegasus with her challenging smile and bright eyes. Bell found himself attending more and more of the shows (no matter the strain on his bank account) and found that he enjoying watching Rainbow Dash show off her skills. It was then that Bell realized that, well, he sort of liked Rainbow Dash. One evening, after a show, he mustered up the courage to go talk to her. He teased her like he only knew how, and she gave him snark right back. Bell made a habit of this, picking on her after shows, until finally…
“Alright, here’s how it is Dumbbell. You come back here after every show just to make fun of me? Like, you don’t have anything better to do?“ “Hey, I have plenty of things to do. I just… you know, make time to catch up with an old friend.“ “An old friend? Really? Well, why don’t you bother Fluttershy in the same way? You used to push her around too.“ “Yeah, but we were rivals. It’s different.“ “We were rivals. That’s the only reason it’s different?“ “Well, yeah… What else would you be-“ “Go out with me.“ “Wh-what?“ “I said go out with me. I was waiting to see if you’d buck up and ask me out yourself, but you’re clearly not going to. So, go out with me.“ “I, uh… I…“ “A simple ‘yes’ will do.“ “Then, uh, y-yes.”
Uh oh, she caught you Dumbbell. After that, Bell and Dash found that they actually got along pretty well. Dumbbell ended up apologizing for all the stuff he’d done to Dash, and he apologized to Fluttershy as well. He even met up with Hoops and Score again, and ended up forming a real friendship with them. Bell bettered himself as a pony, and his real side (which is quite dorky and lovable) began to show. Whenever anypony asks what makes Rainbow Dash so special to him, Bell always says that she’s the reason he’s happy and that’s all.
Rainbow Dash Rainbow Dash’s parents knew she was going to be an athlete from the very start. She was flying just a month or two after she was born, often crashing into things and wreaking havoc in the household. She was their perfect little filly who could do no wrong, but she wasn’t their only. Dash had an older brother, Prism Blaze, who also happened to be a star flyer. He was older than Dash by about ten years, and as a filly, Dash adored her older brother. He was a stunt pony, and had been since he was old enough to enter competitions. He was her idol, and she wanted to be just like him. Dash entered flight school, and she was the top of her class. She was one of the most talented flyers in the school, just like her brother had been. Dash befriended several kids in flight school, often times some of the weaker flyers who she offered to help out. Some of these foals included Bulk Biceps, who’s wings weren’t growing fast enough, and Derpy Hooves, who struggled with double vision. Most notable was Fluttershy, a meek pegasus who never talked much and had trouble making friends. She was older than Rainbow Dash by two years, but she wasn’t as good a flyer. Rainbow made Fluttershy nervous at first, but after seeing that Rainbow had good intentions, Fluttershy warmed up to her. In school, Dash had a bully. He was the bully of a lot of the weaker flyers, but also a bully to her. Dumbbell. They were rivals. For most of her first two years in flight school, Rainbow Dash and Dumbbell butted heads. Finally, Dumbbell challenged Dash to a race and she beat him, managing to perform the sonic rainboom which was said to be stuff of legends. Dash was on the fast track to being a professional flyer. However, when Dash was ten, her life momentarily came to a halt. Her older brother was performing in a show in Cloudsdale when tragedy struck. He was killed in a terrible accident that left Dash without a big brother and her parents without a son. The family was devastated. It took them more than a year to recover, and even then, things would never be the same. Now, with only Dash left, her parents poured their heart and soul into supporting their daughter. They didn’t care what they had to miss as long as they were there at all the important events in Dash’s life. They were so proud of her. Dash loved them, she did, but she wished they wouldn’t be so embarrassing about it. Many years later, Dash was working as a weather pony while she was enrolled in the Wonderbolts Academy. She was one of the most talented ponies in the academy and not long after she completed the course, she was put into the Wonderbolts reserves. After one of their best flyers retired, Dash was officially put on the team. It had been her fillyhood dream to be a Wonderbolt, and she had finally achieved it. After meeting Dumbbell again and how he’d acted, Dash found it strange that he kept showing up at her shows to mess with her. After a while, she realized something was up with him, and she had a feeling what it was. Even though she tended to be slightly emotionally dense, there was nothing else that it could be. So, after waiting a month for Dumbbell to ask her out, she finally went and did it herself. Dash loves Bell, especially after seeing his real personality shine. He’s always there to support her and she tried to encourage him to try out for the Wonderbolts Academy, but he was happy being a personal trainer. He actually helps Dash out a lot when she’s preparing for her shows, and the two spend a lot of time playfully teasing each other and trying to beat each other in competitions of athleticism. Dash is faster and more agile, but Bell is stronger.
The Kids Dash and Bell weren’t really planning on having kids, but oops, Dash ended up pregnant. Shortly after their little grumpy colt Stratus Storm was born, the two got married. When Stormy was around five, they though it’d be nice for him to have a little sibling since the colt seemed to be having problems socializing with foals his age. So, they had Wild Blue, their second colt. About three years later, the tiny toddler Blue asked for a little sibling, and what the heck, who could resist that adorable face. Arizona, the only filly, was born not shortly after. Dash and Bell love their kids and do stuff as a family a lot. Neither of them imagined ever having foals, but they sure are glad they did. The couple still enjoys being snarky with each other and they have a very playful and relaxed relationship. Dash and Bell are probably one of the happiest couples in Equestria.
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