Apricot Jam(above)
Parents: Big MacintoshXFluttershy
Gender: Cis Mare (she/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Talent: Sports coach(teaches any sport to foals in schools)
Bio: This mare is very much unlike her parents. while both her parents are shy and quiet, this loud and boisterous mare is more commonly heard before she is seen. She takes after her “Aunt Rainbow Dash” more than she does any of her family members. She’s very athletic, a pro at just about any sport she puts her mind to. She works as a coach at the local schools to teach and coach any sport they need her for during any season. As a foal, she took the shy hybrid Puffball under her wing and they’ve been best friends ever since.
Parents: Pinkie PieXGilda Griffon
Gender: Cis Colt (he/him)
Sexuality: Gay
Talent: Cat Sanctuary(he runs a cat sanctuary with his coltfriend in Canterlot)
Bio: Another foal that acts nothing like their parents. While one mom is loud and peppy and another mom mean and grumpy, he’s very shy and timid. He’s a weak flyer and won’t fly more than a few feet from the ground unless with another flyer and even then won’t go much higher than a standard house in Ponyville. He has very intense anxiety that can keep him from doing many things, though this is something he’s working on with Apricot Jam to get over for the most part. When he gets nervous, he tends to play with the little puffball at the end of his tail much like a cat. He’s dating Diamond Flush who is the son of Trixie and Prince Blueblood.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tequila Rose
Parents: Twilight SparkleXSunset Shimmer
Gender: Cis Mare (she/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Talent: Creating Alcoholic Beverages(she makes, creates, and mixes up alcoholic drinks)
Bio: A real egghead despite her interesting job. She’s a total smarty pants, always reading books and off in a daydream. You’ll always find her lost in thought thinking about new recipes, a new book she just read, or just trying to solve some equation in her brain she thought of. It can be difficult to get her attention when you need it. She tends to talk to herself, often mumbling under her breath about whatever is on her mind. Once you get her going, there’s no telling when you’ll get her back. So unless you want to be stuck sitting there for two hours listening to her ramble under her breath as she tries to solve a riddle you asked her, don’t ask her to solve a riddle. Despite her talent with making alcohol, Tequila actually hasn’t drank much alcohol aside from a small taste test of her own creations. She knows just about everything there is to know about it, but doesn’t know anything from experience. It’s all from books for her.
Parents: RarityXFancy Pants
Gender: Cis Colt (he/him)
Sexuality: Gay
Talent: Restaurant Owner/Chef(he runs a restaurant that works with only veggies)
Bio: Prim and proper is his name, vegetables is his game. This colt is a carbon copy of both of his parents; kind of uptight, high maintenance, and high society. He’s very clean and can be very obsessive when it comes to cleanliness. If he spots even a single speck of dirt on something, it’s cleaners and sponge stat! Especially on his very pale coat. Even a speck of dirt or dust can cause him to spiral into madness until he’s clean. He’s a professional chef who knows how to prepare all sorts of foods, but his specialty is vegetables. Grilled, fried, baked, broiled, any way you can make a vegetable, he can achieve. His signature is cauliflower in which he likes to make into pizza that surprises everypony who tries it.
Parents: ApplejackXTrenderhoofXTroubleshoes
Gender: Cis Colt (he/him)
Sexuality: Polyamorous Pansexual
Talent: Beautician(he works with both makeup and hair styling to style a pony)
Bio: This colt isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. He can be quite stupid at times and not very smart in what he does. He’s a colt of few words much like his uncle Big Mac, but it’s mostly because of a lack of vocabulary. The one thing he is smart in however is beauty. Mane, tails, makeup, grooming. If it has to do with beautifying your appearance, he’s actually pretty smart on the subject. He was checked out by doctors to see if something was wrong to make him this way, but they can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong. He’s also kind of love crazy. He takes the smallest bit of kindness from another pony and rolls with it, thinking he’s in love and they feel the same. And the moment he falls for somebody, they’re dating in his mind until he gains a crush on another and then he “breaks up” with the previous partner and moves on to the next one. He eventually learns what love really is and follows his parents hoofsteps in polyamory.
Parents: Starlight GlimmerXTrixie Lulamoon
Gender: Genderfae (she/they)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Talent: Accessory Designer(she creates fun and colorful accessories)
Bio: This mare is all pep and happiness no matter what. Like a Pinkie Pie 2.0, but an accessory designer instead of a party planner. Her designs are very bright, colorful, and very childish but that’s just how she is. Lots of rainbows all the time. Despite her powerful mother and her other talented mother in the topic of magic, she’s actually pretty poor at magic herself. She tried pursuing magic as a foal, but even basic levitation is a chore for her. So she doesn’t really use magic much, even when designing. It’s all hoofmade, no magic required. There are days where she doesn’t really feel like any gender at all, so those days she goes by they/them pronouns and prefers to go by just the name Dove instead. She really enjoys making pride related pieces, especially around pride month in which she develops thousands of accessories to hand out at pride parades.
Parents: Rainbow DashXDiscord
Gender: Genderfluid (he/him, they/them, it/its)
Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual
Talent: Chaos Rainbows Creation(he creates what he called Chaos Rainbows which are two clouds with a rainbow between them and he can change any of the colors and make them rain anything he wants them to)
Bio: This colt is very much unlike his parents. Very smart, proper, professional, and balanced, he’s what they would call a total nerd. He’s a complete bookworm with a particular interests in the classic stories from years yonder. You can usually find him curled up in a big cloud reading his stories. He’s a weak flyer despite his mother and his chaos magic is pretty weak compared to his father, adding even more differences between him and his parents. If it wasn’t for his appearance, they would swear he was actually Twilight’s foal or something. He is a firm believer that gender is a spectrum and you can identify as however you like, as shown by his multitude of pronouns himself. While inspired and knowledgeable about gender, he’s totally lost on all things love related, let alone sex related. He was able to deduce pretty quickly that he was Aro Ace and is uncapable of feeling romantic or sexual attraction, much to the displeasure of many who wished to pursue him.
Bases:Main base by :iconpixelpop1702:
Puffball base by :iconpolymercorgi:
Divergent built up of parts by :iconbox-of-ideas:, head by :iconsilvercloud36:
Background by :icondeath-of-all: