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![Size: 438x960 | Tagged: safe, artist:derek the metagamer, derpibooru import, ocellus, princess ember, smolder, spike, anthro, changedling, changeling, dragon, 8bit, cga, commodore 64, disguise, disguised changeling, dragon ocellus, flying kick, game boy, hiryu no ken, image, nintendo, nintendo entertainment system, palette swap, pico8, pixel art, pixel doodle, png, recolor, sd hiryu no ken, virtualboy](https://cdn.twibooru.org/img/2021/4/11/2343671/medium.png)
The Four Dragons in the Pose of SD Hiryu no Ken game for the Gameboy. This took me 1 hour and 27 minutes to make
Disc: I own nothing. Dragon/Changeling Casts are from <span class="caps">MLP</span>:FIM by hasbro.
Tools used: Aseprite, Paint.NET (for other editing purposes)
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