Though Miss Books over here ([*cough*] Twilight) read multiple books on the act and what to do, and what not to do…. She didn’t know jack squat what to do! It was the right time to do it. They’ve grown a stable relationship with each other, and are both in that mating state 👀. Twilight <span class="caps">KNEW</span> that this was a perfect time. Her Queen responsibilities were at a low, Flash was off (as Cadence herself told Flash’s Commander to give Flash a break), and nopony wasn’t really there to bother them.
However, Twilight just froze up, bashfully and coyly sitting there on top of Flash, just not knowing what the he\\ to do, (as Flash continued giving her sexy talk that all went over Twi’s little innocent head). Yeah, Flash was <span class="caps">READY</span>!Don’t worry, Flash understood and took it slow with her. He already knew what to do…Heh, you don’t think Flash hasn’t done this before. As Sunset broke up with the human Flash before, she did too with the pony Flash first! And yes, back then, those two young and wild teens went crazy. (I’m surprised that Sunset didn’t become pregnant… Flash was WILD… idk what’s up with these stallions sex drive 🤠 gah-lee!). I’ll explain more about them later…
I guess Twilight [*STILL*] needs to understand that you don’t always learn everything with books, (well, at least not fully). I can already see her reading books along the lines of, “How to Parent 101”, smh. Poor Twi.