Actually, Happy BELATED Vulture Awareness Day! The actual holiday was last Saturday.
I’m sure you’re all wondering “What in the Tartarus is this? You already made a Vulture Day pic!” Well, I have a bit of a confession to make, THIS was supposed to be the original IVAD pic, but I overthought about it, strayed away from the path, and did something else when I thought my idea sucked. But after I thought about it, I realized that the final pic was ahead of its time; I should’ve done it next year. But after a little encouragement, I decided to work on the rest of this, and post it. I know it’s really late, but I hope you all don’t mind.
For this piece, I brought in a special guest – Grandpa Gruff the Griffon. He’s not actually part vulture (he’s just balding), but he definitely looks the part. Him looking like a Heliodromos (a vulture griffon) is perhaps the only reason why I like him. I’ve been wanting to make something like this. I’m just so ashamed of how my idiocy and overthinking can ruin everything. Either way, I hope you can all forgive me, especially since I know a lot of you, even on Derpibooru, did not like my last piece, and that you love this one. And I also hope you had a wonderful IVAD too. This is for our feathered friends. Heart
Background by :iconmlp-vector-collabs:
Grandpa Gruff: I am NOT A VULTURE! I AM A GRIFFON!
Me: :D