Tempest X Ditzy Doo
Strong, serious, intimidating, these are all used to describe Tempest. Now working as a commander for the guard, Tempest is reformed and living happily. While visiting ponyville, Tempest was suddenly toppled over and when she finally came to her senses, she saw the most adorable looking pegasi in front of her. Apologizing frantically, Ditzy helped Tempest to her hooves and the stoic unicorn was suddenly at a loss for words. After leaving ponyville, Tempest had a serious case of puppy love and just had to meet Ditzy again. She visited ponyville more frequently until she got to know the pegasi and soon enough, they were together.
Treehugger X Tirek
No one is quiet sure how the mare did it, but out of everyone that tried to reform Tirek, it was Treehugger that succeeded. After being locked away after his last rampage, Celestia wanted to rid the risk of Tirek turning loose on the world again and worked to try to reform the creature. Celestia was the first to try, then all of the elements of harmony tried, as well as Starlight, but all were unsuccessful. Fluttershy had confessed her plight with not being able to help Tirek to Treehugger who then offered her own help. Determined and completely relaxed, Treehugger visited Tirek frequently until even the beast began to become at peace with himself. Eventually, he was reformed and found a different way to channel power: meditation. Now he lives with Treehugger where they are often found relaxing and picking flowers together.
Pharynx X Ember
Power couple
Big Max X Skystinger
While visiting Rainbow Dash and her friends, Skystinger ran into the giant stallion, Big Mac, while touring Applejacks farm. Skystinger was immediately entranced in the stallion, but Big Mac obviously had no interest in him. He was a busy working man, and he didnt have time to focus on much else. But Skystinger was determined, he did everything he could to get Big Macs attention, even the pegasi tactic of showing off his plumage. Maybe eventually he will get the stallions full attention and not just a strange look.
Lightening Dust X Vapor Trail
Gilda X Bulk
After having complications regarding an unwanted egg, Gilda spent a lot of time in ponyville recuperating from a traumatic relationship with a mysterious draconequus. It was there she met the tender soul that was Bulk. The two spent time getting to know one another since they were some of the most different looking pair in ponyville. Soon enough, a gentle love formed between the two.